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China Public Space Organization China's space organization has delivered the first photographs taken by the Zhurong meanderer on Mars, showing portions of its lander and the red planet itself. The Tianwen-1 mission showed up at its objective on May fifteenth, making China the subsequent country to effectively delicate land on Mars after the US. One of the photographs is a hued picture (above) taken by the route camera mounted at the back of the wanderer. It includes Zhurong's sun powered boards and unfurled receiving wires, alongside a perspective in the world's red soil and shakes. The other photograph (underneath) is a high contrast picture taken by a deterrent evasion camera introduced before the wanderer. It was caught utilizing a wide-point focal point, so it not just shows a slope from the lander reaching out to the outside of the planet, yet additionally the Martian skyline. Notwithstanding the two pictures, the mission test sent back a video that shows how the l
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1. WITH MARKSHEET) 2. -two. The students participated from all 77 districts in the examinations on Chaitra, 2074. Consequently, the results of the exam were announced on Ashadh 9, 2075.Find the detailed statistics in the table below: GPA Grade Number of Students 3.65 - 4.00 A+ 14234 3.25 - 3.60 A 46130 2.85 - 3.20 B+ 49037 2.45 - 2.80 B 70512 2.05 - 2.40 C+ 61870 1.65 - 2.00 C 101043 1.25 - 1.60 D+ 35584 0.85 - 1.20 D 58688 0.00 - 0.80 E 0

Child labors in Nepal

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Some Facts of Ants Life

As we know that ant is a small insect which lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. Ants are most populous an insects on the planet. They Started breeding in huge number.There are more than 12,000 species of ant in this planet. It can lift 20 times its won body weight. Some of queen ants can live for many years and can produce millions of ants babies. Ant doesn't have long. Ants have many tiny holes all over the body to get oxygen and carbon dioxide leaves through same hole. Queen ants have wings shed when they start a new colony. There are three kinds of ants in their colony. The queen, the female workers and males workers. The queen and male cant's have wings and other don't have.Only the queen lays eggs. The ant colony have their soldier to protect their queen and members of colony. Ants are social insects, which means live in huge colonies or groups. Ants operate in a matriarchal society, which is led by one queen in the c

Inventions that changes the World

Carpentry Before the discovery of metallurgy , long before plastics , the materials that Stone Age man used were those that he found around him in nature : stone , mud , bone , and of course wood. Wood is an extremely important material , having numerous useful properties ; it floats , it burns,   and it can be shaped relatively easily into a variety of different objects. The craft of shaping and using woo-carpentry- has its roots in prehistoric times. Early woodwork consisted of the use of wood for basic tools, but there is also archeological evidence that Neanderthals were shaping wood into new forms as long ago as the middle Paleolithic ( Old Stone Age 300,000 to 30,000 years ago), using tools made from flint and stone. IN this way many useful things were created from wood , including fire-hardened spears and logs hollowed out to create simple boats. By the Neolithic ( New Stone Age ), basic woodworking had evolved into a more complex craft-carpentry. The largely nomadi

Sickle Cell Diseases

Sickle Cell Diseases             Sickle cell diseases is a group of disorders that affects hemoglobin , the molecule in red blood cells that delivers Oxygen to cells throughout the body  people with this disorder have atypical hemoglobin molecules called hemoglobin S. which can distort red blood cells into a Sickle or crescent shape.             Normally our red blood cell are flexible and round moving easily through our blood vessels. In sickle cell the red blood cell become redyed and sticky and shaped like sickles or crescent moons. These irregular shape cells can get stuck in small blood vessels , which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body.                    Symptoms of sickle cell anemia usually show up at young age . They may appear in babies as early as months old , but generally occurs around the 6 months mark.                  While there are multiple types of SCD(Sickle Cells Diseases) they all have similar symptoms, which vary in s

Anemia-Low Red Blood Cells

Anemia is a medical condition caused by an abnormally low number of red blood cells.Red blood cells , also called erythrocytes, contain hemoglobin ,a red, iron-rich protein that carries oxygen in the blood to the body's tissues. People with anemia develop symptoms caused by the poor delivery of oxygen to their body tissues. These symptoms include pale skin , shortness of breath, rapid heart breath , low vitality  , dizziness and if left untreated , stroke  of heart failure.       There are three primary causes of anemia:         1. Reduced production of red blood cells.             2. Excessive destruction of red blood cells.                 3. Extensive  bleeding  There are moire than 100 types of anemia. The most common type of anemia is iron-deficiency anemia. When the body's need for iron increases - such as during periods of rapid growth in childhood , during pregnancy or when deficiency may develop. low iron levels impair the body's ability to produce

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Sickle Cell Diseases

Sickle Cell Diseases             Sickle cell diseases is a group of disorders that affects hemoglobin , the molecule in red blood cells that delivers Oxygen to cells throughout the body  people with this disorder have atypical hemoglobin molecules called hemoglobin S. which can distort red blood cells into a Sickle or crescent shape.             Normally our red blood cell are flexible and round moving easily through our blood vessels. In sickle cell the red blood cell become redyed and sticky and shaped like sickles or crescent moons. These irregular shape cells can get stuck in small blood vessels , which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body.                    Symptoms of sickle cell anemia usually show up at young age . They may appear in babies as early as months old , but generally occurs around the 6 months mark.                  While there are multiple types of SCD(Sickle Cells Diseases) they all have similar symptoms, which vary in s

Anemia-Low Red Blood Cells

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Study Of Different Components Of Pond Eco-system

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