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China Public Space Organization China's space organization has delivered the first photographs taken by the Zhurong meanderer on Mars, showing portions of its lander and the red planet itself. The Tianwen-1 mission showed up at its objective on May fifteenth, making China the subsequent country to effectively delicate land on Mars after the US. One of the photographs is a hued picture (above) taken by the route camera mounted at the back of the wanderer. It includes Zhurong's sun powered boards and unfurled receiving wires, alongside a perspective in the world's red soil and shakes. The other photograph (underneath) is a high contrast picture taken by a deterrent evasion camera introduced before the wanderer. It was caught utilizing a wide-point focal point, so it not just shows a slope from the lander reaching out to the outside of the planet, yet additionally the Martian skyline. Notwithstanding the two pictures, the mission test sent back a video that shows how the l...



At First the full form of UTI is Urine Tract infection . UTI is an infection that begins in the urinary system . The urinary system contain the bladder , kidneys , ureters and the urethra. Urinary tract infection  is as uncomfortable as it heard. An infection can be limited to the bladder . If you are women , your chance getting infection (UTI) is high, because women have a shorter urethra than men , bacteria can reach the bladder more easily and settle in the bladder wall.
About 150 million of people developed a urinary tract infection (UTI) each year. This infection occurs most frequently between ages of  16 and 35 years. However , if infection is not treated properly , it can spread in the kidneys causing serious consequences.

Common symptoms of UTI include:

* Frequent urination ; A strong need to urinate even though little urine actually comes out.
*A strong need to urinate during night.
*Achy or stabbing pain in the upper pelvis.
*Pus pr blood in the urine.
*back , side and groin pain.
*Abdominal pain or pressure .
*Shaking ,chills and a high spiking fever
*Night sweats 
*Extreme fatigue

Common causes of UTI are:

* Waiting too long to pass urine.When urine story in the bladder for long rime , more germs are made and the worst UTI can become.
*It is caused when the bacteria from the digestive tract holds on the opening of the urethra , this poses the problem.
*Sexual intercourse is another reason for urinary tract infection .During a sexual intercourse the bacteria present in the veginal tract is pushed inside the urethra by the movement of the penis. 
*Dehydration cause UTI
* A history of diabetes , sickle-cell aneia , stroke , kidney stone that cause the bladder not to empty completely.
* Pregnancy increases your risk for developing UTI.
* Use of products such as diaphragms and spermicides.

Prevention of UTI

* Urine before and after sexual intercourse.
*Drink 10-14 glasses of water in a day to prevent urinary infection .As drinking much water flushes our bacteria and other microorganism which contaminate the urinary tract.
*Increases intake of citrus fruits which contains Vitamin C which reduces number of bacteria in
 urine . 
* Always maintain good personal hygiene.Keep the vaginal areas clean, always wipe from the front to the back after a bowed movement to prevent contamination of the urinary tact.
* Wear cotton undergarments which allow air circulation and discourage the warm , moist environment needed for bacterial growth .Avoid wearing tight underwear to prevent undesirable bacterial growth. 
*Avoid caffeine found in coffee , tea , carbonated drinks and chocolates.
*Avoid diaphragms and spermicides. 

Home remedies for UTI

* A mixture of half-a-teaspoon of baking soda in eight ounce glass of water can be very helpful in the first sings of UTI 
*Take cranberry juice. This is the one most popular and widely touted of all natural remedies for health care.Cranberry juice helps flush out the bacteria presence in urinary tract that may be causing the infection.

If the symptoms are mild or the infection is in the early stage , self treatment ate home is possible. In cases of recurrent infection as well as some individuals prefer to rely on alternative remedies or combination of alternative and conventional treatment because of the possible side effects from prolonged antibiotic usage. Exercises caution and always consult with your doctor stopping any treatment as if trying out any natural remedies.


  1. Asmit poudel class8 niceπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Information good class 8 asmit poudel

  3. Prevention tips are good but if you had a UTI then the herbal dietary supplements for UTI is the best herbal treatment to it.


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